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In Seven Swing States, Trump Is Ahead Of Biden In The Polls

Updated: Feb 29

According to the poll published on Thursday, Trump holds an average lead of 5.28 percentage points over Biden in the surveyed swing states, namely North Carolina, Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, Michigan, Arizona, and Pennsylvania.

Donald Trump

Trump's most substantial lead is in North Carolina, where he is ahead by 11 points, followed by a 7-point lead in Georgia. In Wisconsin and Nevada, Trump leads by 6 and 5 points, respectively. The smallest leads are in Michigan and Arizona, with Trump ahead by 4 and 3 points, respectively.

The poll considered a hypothetical ballot featuring party front-runners Biden and Trump, alongside third-party candidates Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Cornel West, and Jill Stein. Notably, Trump maintains his lead even when third-party candidates are excluded, with Georgia's race coming close within a margin of error of 6 percentage points.

Support for third-party candidates varied across the swing states, with Kennedy receiving approximately 1 in 10 votes. When examining specific issues, Trump garnered more support from respondents on the economy, while Biden held a slight lead over Trump on the issue of health care in five of the swing states.

These survey results align with recent polls indicating Trump's leads over the incumbent in certain battleground states, as demonstrated by a CNN poll earlier in the week, where Trump had a 10-point lead among Michigan voters and a 5-point lead in Georgia.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

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